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The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer Personal Injury Lawyer is a civil litigator who are appointed to represent their clients alleging either physical or psychological injury. Both injuries they are suffering from are typically the result of either careless acts or negligence by another individual. The injury may also be the result of negligence by a company, government agency, or another entity. The practice of Personal Injury Lawyer is more commonly known as tort law. A specific area of law that focuses on issues surrounding injuries, private or civic wrongdoings, non-monetary or monetary damages. Actions of bad faith, breach of contract and defamation to someone’s reputation, property and rights are also included. However, these lawyers typically also own other licenses in other facets of law. Despite the numerous licenses they are armed with, Personal Injury Lawyer is typically focuses on cases within tort law. Flawed products, work injuries, road accidents, accidents caused by falls or slips, and other related accidents are among the common cases they represent. The lawyer is obligated to help securing the much-deserved compensation for the losses that have incurred. The losses in question may be different from one individual to another. However, they typically include inability to perform the victims’ day-to-day normal duties due to pain. Thus, affecting the victims’ capacity to earn a living on their own. Losses may also include emotional distress, legal costs, Personal Injury Lawyer fees, and other related expenses or costs that may arise. From the beginning of the case until after the full trial has taken place, Personal Injury Lawyer does not only give full legal assistance. But also ensures their clients get the security they need during and after the proceeding. Clients are typically in a position where they are vulnerable to being victimized by the entity they challenge in court. Understanding the duties of a trial lawyer Personal Injury Lawyer has quite a number of duties in order to properly aid their clients. Also widely referred to as trial lawyers, the following is a list of their general responsibilities. · Duties that fall in the professional and ethical codes of conduct · Duties related to the rules that have been provided for by the licensing associations Personal Injury Lawyer is allowed to practice law professionally once the state bar association has given them the necessary license. The following is a list of professional work they are allowed to offer: · Offer legal advice to clients, henceforth will be referred to as plaintiffs. · Prepare legal documents. · File complaints in court on behalf of the plaintiffs. · Argue cases. The sole responsibility of a Personal Injury Lawyer also includes interviewing cases during the assessment phase of their case. They must also further identify all of the pertinent issues contained within the case in question. This step is particularly important as they must conduct thorough research in order to build a solid and unbeatable case. All that aside, the primary professional mandate and responsibility of Personal Injury Lawyer is to obtain justice their clients deserve. Justice in question also includes compensation for the suffering and losses the defendant has inflicted upon the plaintiff. All of which are done through advocacy, client counseling, legal advice and also oral arguments. Personal Injury Lawyer must adhere to the strict principles regarding legal ethics when they execute legal mandate with the clients. However, it’s worth noting that the guidelines may vary from one state to another. When it comes to evaluating legal issues, trial lawyers are expected to exercise due diligence. On top of giving legal assistance, trial lawyers must also protect clients’ confidentiality at all times. Reasons to hire trial lawyers Road accidents may happen even when you least expect it, and the aftermath may be a disaster to deal with. From painful injuries and long recovery period caused by the accident, to expensive medical bills. The injury may also affect your mental health as the trauma may linger even long after the accident has taken place. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer becomes increasingly crucial in any of these cases. During this trying time, your life cannot be put on pause. The fact that you are still recovering both physically and psychologically means that you must opt out of work. Missing work days for a long period of time means that you are unable to earn a living. To make things worse, your life and medical expenses starting to pile up rapidly. This is the primary reason why you need Personal Injury Lawyer. An accident, regardless of what causes it, is an unfortunate disaster. More so when you are the victim of someone else’s negligence. As challenging this time is for you, there is a silver lining. By seeking legal assistance from Personal Injury Lawyer, both of your financial and physical matter can be dealt with properly. A seasoned Personal Injury Lawyer does not only give you legal advice and advocacy during the proceeding. But they also collect necessary documents and proofs to build a solid case. This is typically obtained by consulting related investigators and medical experts. That way you and your family members will be able to get the monetary compensation that you deserve. How are trial lawyers compensated? When you are considering to hire a Personal Injury Lawyer, the first question that comes into your mind is undoubtedly the fee. With medical bills and various expenses, you have to deal with, hiring a lawyer may seem like a financial burden. However, without their legal assistance, your chance of reaching settlement with defendant may seem on the rocks. Knowing how Personal Injury Lawyer is compensated before you make a decision is the most rational way to do it. In that case, we have compiled all the things you need to know about their compensation in this section. As a start, please note that these professional fees are based on quite a number of factors. Said factors can be seen in the following list: · The experience of the trial lawyer in question. · The prominence and difficulty of the case. · The energy and time spent on the case. · The outcome of the case. · The costs associated to the case. Trial lawyers typically offer a number of payment options to the plaintiff. These options include hourly rates and retainers, flat fees and contingency fees. However, it’s worth noting that for cases related to injuries such as this, trial lawyers generally offer contingency fee. Using this fee option, Personal Injury Lawyer is to receive a percentage of your awarded compensation following a successful trial.

Online College 1. The E-Learning Diaries: Why You Should Study at an Online College People have been saying that Online Colleges are not a good learning place. While some of it is true, there are reasons why you should study at an Online College. In Online Colleges, you can learn from the comfort of your home This is probably the biggest perk that Online Colleges got when comes the time to compare the nice things between traditional attendance dependent colleges and Online Colleges. If you apply to study in Online Colleges, not only that you can learn new things, you can learn new things from the comfort and the safety of your house. You do not have to leave your house to learn new stuffs, hence reducing the risk of anything bad happening to you (there are LOTS of bad things that can happen when you are going to the class, so depend on it). That does not mean you should not overlook ordinary colleges though. While Online Colleges are safe and all, ordinary colleges got the benefit of having to communicate directly with the lecturer (hence ensuring you that you got the best possible understanding of the teaching material). However, we are not here to talk about the benefits of ordinary colleges are we not? If you study at an Online College, you will get a degree as well Studying at a college will land you a bachelor’s degree. Studying at an Online College will land you a bachelor’s degree as well. See where I am coming from? If you study at Online Colleges, not only that you can do it from the comfort of your casa, you will also get your own bachelor’s degree. While the other scrubs have to go to class and whatnots, you, the superior being, just need to do some clicking and you will get your bachelor’s degree. You are free to dictate what you want to learn and when you will learn in Some traditional colleges prefer to have a specific class schedule. This, of course, will not be a good thing for people who are busy with their work or their family. Fortunately, Online Colleges have a way to mitigate that. While there are instances where you cannot choose what class to attend when you enrol in a traditional college, those instances will be a thing of the past with Online Colleges. In Online Colleges, not only you can choose what you want to study, you can also choose the time to study that material. Truly an independent experience. Did I say that you could not meet your tutor in Online College? Turns out it was a blatant lie. Many Online Colleges, especially those that are highly rated, will turn your learning experience up to a notch by giving you many kinds of supports. Those supports range from allowing you to meet a private tutor for one or more materials, giving you a platform where you can connect with your peers, and a platform where you can access study materials 24 hours a day AND it goes for 7 days straight. Now that you know several benefits of studying in an Online College, do you want to enrol in one of the most prodigious Online Colleges in the world ever? 2. What You Should Know Before Going in Deep with an Online College or Two People have been wondering about what it feels like to study in an Online College, but there are things that you need to know before enrolling in one. In Online Colleges, nothing is even worse than a bad time management If you are someone with a bad time management system or you cannot manage your time well enough, then I suggest you go far away from that I call as Online Colleges. If you study at Online Colleges, time management should be your first priority. Without a good one, you cannot expect to finish a course in time and you cannot get your Online Degree for a long time, which leads to further payment and an increased loss of money. While you are the master of when and what you are studying, it does not mean that Online Colleges do not have deadlines imposed. Heck, the deadlines can be even worse than traditional colleges. Online students need to be twice as motivated as the ordinary college student Think about this scenario: Bob is a student of an online course. He can do it at home and doing it will require him to move his fat bottom from the comfy couch he got and to the personal computer. Kathy is a traditional college student, and to learn new stuffs, she is required to attend physical classes. If you look at it in its shallowest, sure it is easier for Bob to learn new stuffs as he does not need to go to physical classes. However, there is one thing that the scenario misses, and it is motivation. What if Bob is not a man of learning? While it is easier for Bob to learn new things, it is also easier for Bob NOT to do so. There is a high chance that the call of the couch is too hard for Bob to resist, making him leave his learning duties untouched. It is not easy as you might have thought Many people dismissed Online Colleges as a college where you will only learn about the easy stuffs. These people are ignorant, and they are wrong to boot. I once read a material for an Online College that my friend got, and boy oh boy how hard it is for me to learn all about that material. The lack of a direct tutelage did not help me as well, as I did not have anyone to ask about the material. In the end, I fluked the material while my friend did not. To some people’s understanding, the tutors of Online Colleges are bots And they are wrong. The real tutors for Online Colleges are real people, and they are not just your ordinary real people. They are people with enough classifications, people that will help you learn the most out of the materials. They are real life professors with a nice amount of credibility. They are the same professors as the ones who teach at traditional colleges. You may choose to meet them in real life or not, but most of your conversations will take place in online forums or any other communication platform that the Online College provides. 3 Anything to Know about Online College As we know that online education was frequently proffered by many professionals, students who need more flexible school schedule and parents. So, this article will help you to understand the basic of online education, especially Online College. If you know the basics first, then you will recognize its advantages and drawbacks, and choosing your online programs that match perfectly with your need. Is Online College right for your need? As we know that online education is not for anyone. Many people who being most successful with online education proffered being self-motivated, having ability of meeting deadlines and scheduling their time as well. They will need advanced writing and reading abilities were mostly required to success in this online education. So, you have to learn, if online learning is right choice for you or not. Some programs still have in person-requirements There are many online courses and programs that offer you with completely Online Class, while others were not fully virtual or away from the campus. You might find yourself in campus or other locations for specific components, such as: biology laboratorium, clinical nursing requirements and so on. You will spend many hours in front of computer each week You should know that online programs may require you to log in and actively participate in online discussion platform at least once a day or few times each week. Besides you can watch and listen your lecturers, you are also able to participate in many group projects and finish other tasks as well. Even, some online programs were stricter than traditional class, and when you need to add time commitment, they might ask you to spend more time on your program or course each week. So, you have to consider if your schedule and location away from campus were pretty enough to take online learning. You should have self-discipline If you choose online learning, then you are the one who take full responsibility of your study. You should know how to balance your time with other responsibilities than can be daunting as well. As mentioned before that online learning was not fit to anyone. If you love to read and can get information by that way, then online learning can be a something that you have to consider. If you have difficult time to sit in a desk or do not enjoy using technology, then online learning is harder for you. Online learning pros: you know that online learning offers you with more flexibility for those who have job or family responsibilitas beyond of school. Sometimes, students apply in online programs to being able work based on their pace and accelerating their studies as well. The online learning or programs might charge you less than you have to pay in traditional programs. Despite the great benefits that you can get through Online College, keep in mind that these types of programs were not fit to anyone. They need much hard work each week and a lot of self-discipline as well. You should research any requirement and information before you register. 4 Is Online College right for you? How do you know? Whether you are unemployed, working in a full-time job, parents, high school graduate, you should know that Online College can adjust well in your lifestyle. Of course, online education is not fit for anyone and you should analyze whether online education is right for you or not before you enroll. Distanced education had changed many things over last few years, their backgrounds and cultures find themselves to choose this online program. You can see the enrollment numbers prove that increasing popularity of online learning or education. It has reached thousand people from around the world thanks to flexibility, better quality and accessibility as well. Flexibility and accommodation that been offered were helping many people who want to take further career and education. If you are not sure enough whether Online College is best choice for you, then you can ask questions below: Do you enjoy to work in front of computer and always being on internet? You know that there are many people who spend many hours in a day in front of computer or even internetworking, looking for information, checking email, networking and so on. With all of those exposures every day, it seems that class online is right for them, In distanced education, you might expect to spend most time in your computer by working your job, sending email to lecturer, listen to your lectures and more. Those are the format that you should do. Hence, if you do not enjoy to work in front of computer or not always on internet, this is might not best option for you. Well, if you are enjoy working in that way, online education can be your best alternative. Can you learn something outside of classroom? No work in online learning was completed in tradition classroom. Instead, it can be done at library, home or even coffee shop or wherever you bring your laptop. Some students can stay focus on lectures, take a note and understanding essential information only when they are sitting inside a classroom. Then, this is something that you should give attention and warn you that online learning might not best option for you. One of the biggest reasons why many students failed in online learning is they are not realistic enough about how much time that they can spend each week for learning online. In addition, they were struggling to stay discipline while learning in the structure of non-traditional courses. Again, online education is not for anyone, however there are many students who been able to get over these challenges. To succeed, you should stay focus so you can finish your tasks and assign your task on time. Do you enjoy working alone and self-motivated? If you are struggling to finish your work alone, then online education can be a big challenge for you. In distanced education, you also get group projects with your classmates in the Web, but will do most of work by your own and learning the material by yourself as well. You should be able to push your self-motivation to finish the tasks and turn it on time. 5 Know More about How Online Class Works Students who were not familiar with distanced education might be wondering about “how do Online Classes work?” The fact is the classes were set out online much likely where you are studying in the classroom. But, the students do not need to get into that classroom. So, at this point you might be asking yourself, how do you learn without travel to your classroom? To take that part, there are general overviews below to know more about Online College especially in Online Class, including of getting start from the basics and turn your assignment online. Firstly, log on. To start this Online Class, then students need a computer or laptop along with reliable internet connection and required software which been provided by the school. Firstly, students should go to the main web and log on. It brings them to the place where students can see all of courses that they had signed and let them to see the related materials. However, many colleges might use different types of software, so each school has different format. Listen and read the material. As you are in traditional classroom, your course will start by listening or reading lecture from your professor that usually recorded and uploaded into main site. But, this is also depending on the course, student might need to listen or read to lecture everyday or just one or two times a week. Finishing your tasks. There are several assignments which should be done via online as well. Usually, students can find them in the section of course management software where students can find these assignments inside. Some assignments might be done via online and some might be off. All of assignments should be turn on time and upload the assignments before the deadline. Most of courses usually combine the shorter tasks with larger task that should be completed in the end of semester. Join with discussion group. Almost all of Online College required their students to engage in the weekly discussion with all of the students, professor or both of them. It means that posting into discussion platform or joins into group chatting held in particular date and time. It might be so vary based on class and professor’s preference. In this point, you are able to listen and read lectures, doing tasks, turn your papers and talking with other students as well. So, it does not much different with traditional classes. The fact is the experience that most students had been pretty same to attend a course in campus. If you have other question related to how your Online College will hold the courses, then you are able to ask administrators or check their official site to get general overview and familiar before you take a class. Of course, there are several considerations before you take online education. Even you can ask graduates from Online College to ask information that you need. There are also benefits and drawbacks based on your preference. If you are very enjoy staying in front of computer and self-motivated enough, then online education work best for you. 6 Online College: Definition, Pros and Cons For some people, there are some things that can hinder them to attend a traditional college in regard to the expensive cost and strict scheduling system. In this case, Online College may be the solution to solve the problems. What is Online College? Online College is a modern education system that allows students to get an Online Degree without the obligation of being physically present on campus. The conducted courses on this online lecturing system can be fully distance learning, blended (face to face lecturing combined with distance learning) or hybrid. There are other terms referring to this Online College system, such as distance learning, online learning, and distance education. What makes Online College different from traditional college Actually, both online and traditional college systems have the same major purpose, which is: to provide education and also the degree to their students. Although they aim the same goal, they are still different in many aspects. Online education is often defined as a process of formally educating students in which the students and their instructors do not always see face to face in the same place during the lesson. Unlike the traditional education in which you are supposed to attend the class physically and should be present during the exams, in online education, most or even all lectures and exams are conducted online. Therefore, the process of exchanging the information with your peers and lecturers in an online course will be very different from that of a traditional course. The feedback from lecturers will usually be given through audio clips or written feedback that tends to be longer than that of the traditional lectures. Another difference between online and traditional educations is the fact that the former one is considered to be more flexible than the later. Pros and cons of an Online College system There are various opinions regarding the Online College system that offers not only several advantages, but also some undeniable weaknesses at the same time. Here are some pros and cons of the system that you should consider before joining the program. Pros Flexible You can still attend the classes no matter where you are or how far you live, as long as you have an access to the internet. Besides, you can also get the opportunity to decide the schedule of when you will take the Online Classes. Inexpensive Online College definitely cost lower than the traditional one, because you do not need to spend the fee for room, board and other campus facilities. Besides, you also do not need to spend extra money for transportation, meal, etc. Shorter period of study Usually, the students of online education get their degrees in a shorter period of time than those of the traditional one. Enhance writing ability Since most of the interaction and assignment are done online, you are demanded to write a lot. Automatically, your writing ability will be brushed up by the time you attend the online lectures. Unique and democratic In an online course you are demanded to actively participate in every discussion. Here, you will be encouraged to convey your opinion, give reviews and give comments. Cons The students should be highly motivated. The students have limited opportunity to face their peers and professors. The students will not experience the campus-life. The students should have the needed technology. The students might encounter misconception. Not all majors are covered online. Those are some of the pros and cons of the Online College that you need to consider when you want to give Online College a try. 7 Do Not Attend An Online College before You Read This! Students who are not yet familiar with the Online College system usually ask “how does online an course work?” You will be able to find the answer to this question in this article. Besides, there will also be some information about the best Online Colleges that are recommended to attend. How Online Classes work Actually, the Online Classes are conducted similar to the regular classes, although there are some differences between them. What makes Online Classes different from the regular ones is the fact that most of, or even all of the activities during the lessons are conducted online, without the students’ obligation to physically present in the classroom. Not only the discussion, but all assignments and exams will be carried out online. Then, what exactly you have to do to attend the Online Classes? Logging on First, you should make sure that you have all of the facilities needed to support your online lectures. You will need a reliable computer and internet connection. Besides, you may also be asked to download certain softwares required by the campus or by the classes you are going to attend. After all of the requirements are completed, you can start to attend the courses by logging on the college’s main website. The website will usually guide you to check all of the courses that you need to take, the schedules, the materials, etc. If you face any difficulty in accessing the website or navigating the program, you are suggested to contact the college or the lecturer as soon as possible. Checking the materials Next, after taking all of the courses that you need to take, what you have to do first is understanding the course materials by either reading or listening to them. Doing all assignments Online courses usually demand you to complete a lot of assignments. Therefore, you have to make sure that there is no single assignment that you miss. Completing and uploading them on time are also important to do. Participating in all discussion You should actively participate in any discussion conducted by your lecturers. Your active participation will definitely become one of your lecturers’ considerations in giving marks and predicates to you. Some mistakes that the students usually make In planning to attend and attending an Online College, you should avoid doing the following common mistakes: Not carefully checking the college before deciding to join. Not providing at least ten hours a week for a course. Being unrealistic, like doing anything in the last minutes. Not preparing the facilities and technology needed for the course. Doing “copy” and “paste” without adding your original thoughts. Not being cooperative with your virtual team. Best Online Colleges in the world Are you looking for the best colleges offering reliable online course programs? Here is the list: Harvard University There are at least 41 online programs offered to its students. The students attending an online program will get the same right to all Harvard facilities like academic advising, counseling services, tutoring assistance, and also financial aid. Presbyterian University This is one of the best colleges emphasizing on the Christian-based education. The online courses that you can take are divided into various different areas, one of them is language courses like Hebrew and Greek. Drexel University The online programs of this university offer the same benefits and facilities as the regular campus program to their students, like career resources, financial aid and 24 hour technology support. 8 Online College VS Offline College Online College is available nowadays along with the development of technology. There are a lot of credible domestic universities and also overseas universities which provide the option of Online College. Online College allows you to get courses without you having to attend classes in the university. But you are still able to use the facilities in the university and also get the same degree just like regular college students. The courses are usually delivered via teleconference, the subject matters are available online, and there are also forums where the college students are able to ask questions to the lecturers and have discussions with other college students. What are the Differences Between Online College with Regular College? The Location After you registered for Online College, you will be given an account to log in to a site, where you are able to access the courses, and also ask and answer forum to discuss with the lecturers and other college students. If in offline university, you have to know which building to attend your courses, computer lab, library, and other important facilities. But in online one, you need to know in which part you are able to log in, getting the subject matters, discussing with the lecturers and other college students, and also access online facilities such as online library. Flexibility If you want to study overseas, it means you need to leave your country and all of your activities there. With online lecture, as long as you can manage your time well, you are able to get study overseas without leaving your country. If you want to get a degree from overseas university without leaving your country, this might be the best option. Fee The fee of online lecture is about 40% cheaper compared to regular lecture. The fee is cheaper because the facilities you are able to enjoy is limited compared to regular college in university. Besides saving fee college, you are also able to save living cost by having online lecture. Because you only need computer and internet connection to attend your online courses. Curriculum There is not much difference between the curriculum of regular college with the curriculum of the online one. There are just several things which are adjusted for online lecture. Independence in Studying In regular college, the college students need to attend classes where the lecturers deliver the courses, then attend tutorial classes, where the college students are able to interact closely with the lecturers and other college students in order to discuss. While the Online College students need to read the textbook first before attending the online couse. They also need to make their own study schedule. Assessment Just like regular college, the students of online lecture also need to do tasks and exams. Their tasks and exams will be assessed. If regular classes assess the students’ attendances and participations in the classroom, Online Classes also assess the students’ participation in discussion forums provided by the Online College. 9 Pros and Cons of Online College Online College can be an alternative choice for those who are really busy, but still want to study to get a higher degree. This online learning is supported by the development of modern technology such as internet. Lectures that were only done directly face to face between the college students and the lecturers, can now be done online. The college students and the lecturers meet via internet. As well as the courses, the discussions, and also the exams. For you who want to consider getting an online learning, here are several pros and cons of it. The Pros of Online Learning There are a lot of benefits of getting online learning, that is why some people choose this kind of studying method than the conventional one. Especially for those who do not enough time to attend classes in university. Here are the benefits. The college students are able to attend classes wherever and whenever, as long as they have internet connection. The learning is able to be done with saving much money and times. The college students are able to choose their own subject matters which are suitable with their levels. The ask and answer session is more flexible to be done, both with the other college students or with the lecturers, through chatting media provided. The learning time is shorter compared to the conventional college, as long as the college students are disciplined and serious. The college students are able to review the courses because they are saved in their computers. Learning does not depend on the attendance of the lecturers. The college students are able to share information with the others everytime. The college students are trained to be more independent, more creative, and more responsible. The college students are able to get different experience of learning. The Cons of Online Learning Even though online learning has a lot of benefits, it also has some disadvantages. Here are several disadvantages of this modern learning. This kind of studying method depends on the disciplines of the college students. Those who does not have high motivation and are undisciplined, might get to be left behind in learning. The college students might get problems with their social interactions because they are used to learn alone. Because online learning really depends on the internet connection, when the internet connection is getting slow or disconnected, the learning can be messed up. The college students also have to learn the applications provided for the online learning. It might be a burdensome for some college students. For those who live in small provinces, this kind of learning might not be suitable. Since strong internet connection is needed to join online learning. There are some college courses which are not able to be applied online. It means that online learning cannot include all of college courses that should be taken by college students. Those are the pros and cons of Online College. 10 How does Online College Work? Online College is an education system that does not require the students and professors to attend the class physically. All interactions are transformed into the online platforms so there is no need to build a class. Online courses are really useful for them who want to get college degree without have to attend physical class or students who live far away from the college. Mostly, it does not have any difference with the traditional college but the main difference is there is not social interaction. So if you are someone who is a loner then this system may work for your ideal. There are several basic knowledge pieces you need to know related to the term of Online College. You may also wonder how this system could work and what you can expect from it. Just read this article. Signing in To start the Online Class you will need a computer and also a stable internet connection. Besides, you will also need to install certain app or software required by the school. Once you have met the requirements then you can start to complete the tasks. Of course you need to sign in to the school’s website. You will also receive the materials needed. If you find any difficulty then you better contact the technical support or maybe your professor could help too. Listening and reading the materials It is similar to when you attend regular classes. The course includes the listening and reading session from the professor. It is usually recorded and the college will upload it in the main site where all students can access it. Some of them also present it like slideshow documents. The class requires you to attend daily or weekly, depends on the college and your arrangement. You will also need to make notes from the lecturers. Completing assignments Some assignments must be completed online. You will be able to find the course management section where you can access the assignment and also the instruction. Some of them need to be completed online and some are not. Of course there will be deadlines and you have to make sure to upload it before the deadline is passed. Or you will not get credit for it. You can also expect to read the material for the assignment. Some of them can be found online or you need to make a purchase. Engaging in discussion All Online Colleges will need the students to engage in discussions. It can be weekly or once every two weeks. There will be professor and also the students. The date and time will be posted on the group chat or discussion board so every student could prepare everything needed for the discussion session. The topics and rules depend on the preference of the lecturer and the class itself. Basically, all of them almost have no difference from the traditional college. You just do not come to a campus building and everything can be accessed remotely. Besides, any questions you have about college can be asked to the administrator or familiarize yourself with their website before signing up to Online College. 11 Pros and Cons of Attending Online College Online College offers pros and cons that you really need to think about before you sign up on it. Nowadays, there are huge numbers of universities that offer Online Classes since it becomes very popular now. Basically, the benefits of it depend on every individual’s preference. Here are several things you need to do before you sign up so you will get the most of your online education. Write down the priorities on both education and career. It will help you to identify the program that will match with your priority or at least help you to achieve our dream; Have a chat with the alumni so you will get opinions from the insider; Find out about the reputation of school you want to attend. Higher accreditation means better school especially if it is accredited by reputable agent. Talk to employers about their opinion of the school as well as the degree you will enter. Ask them if they will hire you after you have finished the online course. The good things of attending Online College There are several good things you will find out by attending Online College. Of course the Online Class will allow you to have better choice when you decided to enroll online. Some people have very limited options due to the location of the campus is too far from their residence. Online programs also offer various programs with more affordable costs this is why this thing is very popular in recent 5 years. It also allows you to have one on one chat with your professor. You will be able to reach the professor by meeting them through online. Since it is also a new environment, you will get a refreshing dynamic and it gives you so many opportunities related to freedom in creating something and thinking. When you want to stay close to family or keeping your jobs while learning, online course is a good choice. You can handle so many things in your life but still attending class without have to make sacrifices on one of them. The not-so-good things of attending Online College If you are such an active person who needs real socialization then it will be a bit desperate for you. It only provides limited interaction of social because you will not be able to make friends or staying with your peers in regular basis. Besides, it will be a bit obstacle for you who do not like to keep up with the latest lingo and trends. Social anxiety is like a real threat when you were used to be someone who talked actively or normally interacted with other students. It is a huge step and it could drag you to the circle or depression unfortunately. Some students consider the offer of new environment is too much. It has too many opportunities to get stuck and distracted too, considering there is no social interaction here. So, if you are a person who loves to have social interaction then you may consider a traditional college instead of Online College. 12 Why should You Take Online College? Online College surely has its own limitation. But it does have lots of advantages. Nowadays, Online Colleges become some kind of popular option when it comes to education. We agree that there are issues with education’s traditional system. The student has to pay lots of dollars per semester if you want to attend a high-prestige school. Besides, you will get a busy classroom and also course shortage. When will you study then? This is why in this article we are going to show you 5 things that will make you happy by choosing Online College. Learn whatever you like Good thing about online learning is that you can attend class even though you are on vacation or living far away from school. Online education allows you to take programs and classes you want. The classes are also present in traditional college. All you need to do is looking up on search engine and find the most suitable course for you. No matter where you live, you can always attend the course you want. Convenient Sitting in class for hours in an uncomfortable chair will not happen if you sign up for Online Classes. There is no requirement to attend physically when it comes to online education. The lecturers and materials will be provided through online platforms. The participants will be easily accessed all of it from the comfortable zone in your home or maybe in your favorite coffee shop. Long story short, Online Class is suitable for you who want to get college degree but do not like to be mingling with people for hours. Learning with self-paced You can start by browsing for Online Classes. Then you will see almost all programs offered have Self-Paced label on it. This label means that every student can finish their target any time. This thing also allows you to arrange your own learning schedule, adjusted to your individual needs. This is what makes traditional class and online education pretty different. You cannot run your job, hobbies, and families at the balance time when you have to attend class. Meanwhile, taking online education will help you to balance your life and putting all of them on your priority list without have to be overwhelmed with it. Relatively more affordable It is a fact that online education costs cheaper than the traditional ones. The average cost is affected by several factors and it is different from one to another class program. Some of them offer USD 400 for 5 courses or you can pay by course for USD 49. If a student cannot afford this price, the Financial Aid is available. This is why you should consider this option if you want to get college degree but going to traditional college is not on your first option. In overall, Online Classes are cheaper and relatively more convenient than the traditional ones. If you have passion to learn about something but you need a relaxed manner then you really need to consider to signing up on Online College. 13 5 Tips for Success in Online College Online College is designed for adults who want to get back to school but have no time to squeeze to come to traditional class. It is very possible for moms and dads to learn and getting certified for educations they have been pursued. Online Classes are very useful because if it is not possible for a person to go in class due to other business or the distance, internet will make it happen. In average, the work hour of American in nowadays only allows the workers to have free time about 30 hours per week. So, in 30 hours you should be really putting your focus and managing your time in the right way. This is why in this article we are going to give you several good advices to be success in Online College. Management of time The most common thing that becomes barrier in free time is TV. According to study, most adults spend their 20 hours to watch TV per week. Well, watching TV is a must. Sometimes you will get the news or other important information from TV. But if you really want to attend Online Classes or colleges then you need to manage your time. If you can record the show then go record it and free up your time. 10 hours per week is enough for full devotion for online education. By ten hours a week you have made a huge step to reach the college degree. Start the part-time thing There is option of part-time courses. It requires about 5 to 7 hours per week. You are definitely able to take two courses but you will need to set aside your time from 10 to 14 hours per week. If you feel you can do this then you should go for it. Write down your dreams and goals Even though Online Class allows you to attend class everywhere, it still needs discipline. You need encouragement and this is why those things should be written down. It will remind you about why you sign for college. Create your own study space Online learning is not an easy work. It needs time and dedication. Many adults dropped out after three weeks of Online Class. In order to gather your focus then you need to make your own study space. Whether it is in the bedroom or in the garage, study space is really helping. Make a study plan Once you have registered to online courses, you will need to make a schedule for home study. It is needed so you will have the image of how your week will be like and you need to stick with it. You will need to read literature and other materials for your study. Besides, it is important to stick with your plan for studying. This is why you need to dedicate a space for your study area so you can be more focused. So, college is a huge thing. You need to prepare and commit to it so it is not a waste of attending Online College. 14 Finish Your Degree by Enrolling in Online College If you are adult who had experience of college before but you do not get a degree, then you can decide to finish your study by applying an Online College. You might not know that there so many Online Colleges which provide adult leaner’s who want to transfer their credit and reach a degree in lesser time than 4 years of traditional program. However, there are many things that you have to do to complete your degree in Online College Ensure that online program is suit with your lifestyle You should know that successful students have to balance their Online Class along with other responsibilities. It means that you should learn materials by yourself without a professor who gives you motivation and instruction. Besides that, you should have advanced reading and writing skills, because online programs require reading and writing frequently. If you do not have these skills then you might be overwhelmed, even you are excel in this subject. Choose your credit transfer properly If you are an adult learner, you might want to apply into a college that can accept your transfer credit. You can consider applying to one of big colleges, or you can ask recommendation. There are many Online Colleges were accredited regionally and provide you with more flexible policies. Before you apply it, it’s important to know information related to requirements and credibility as well. Select a major You can choose your previous major or learn new things. Keep in mind that you have many things in your transfer credit, means that if you choose new major then you need more time to complete your degree. However, there are several specific fast programs that you can choose. Generic major might not your best option because it requires more training time in specific field. Submit your transcripts After you are accepted in online program, then you should submit all of your previous transcripts that sent to the admission office. Most of colleges might not accept personal copies of your transcripts. Keep in mind that you should be clear enough related to requirement information. You can ask review clarification After submit your transcript for review above, then you can ask many questions or concerns that you had. If you are sure that specific class must be counted into certain requirement, then you can ask for clarification to save your time. Finish the online courses You do not have to worry because your counselor will provide anything that you have to know during your Online College. You can follow them and you are stepping ahead to get your college degree. We all know that back to campus being an adult learner can be so challenging. If you are not self-motivated enough, then you might get hard time while finishing your degree. As you are trying to earn your degree, ensure that you pay attention on overlooked source, attendance. You need time commitment and skill to balance your time as well. However, there are benefits that you can get and make you easier. As long as you have internet connection, then you are able to access your course. 15 How to Choose Online College If you want to go to Online College, then you should consider several things. You cannot risk your life. Here's how to choose the right campus. How Long Has It Been Around? There are many campuses that offer Online Degree programs and these have been around for decades. There are many campuses that have established the program for more than a century. If you want to get the degree, then you should choose an established campus. You can look at institutional history and school evaluation by looking at the campus's relationships with alumni, employers, institutions, and education. Maybe you can also see the level of student satisfaction and success of the campus. Is It Accredited? You must make the accreditation your insurance policy. This can protect the value of the education you do on campus. The education department says that accreditation has a goal to ensure that higher education institutions can provide high-quality education for students. You should not invest a lot of money for agencies that do not have accreditation. If you practice in a medical school that does not have accreditation, then the training is useless when you want to work. Transfer Credits There are best ways to reduce student debt. This can also increase the chances of passing on time. You can enroll courses that provide a direct route to achieving graduation. Usually, online courses can provide courses at low cost. It can offer a fast track to get your degree. You can also apply for general education to get a degree quickly. Financial Position You should use your money carefully when you see that the school is getting a financial challenge. Usually, the school will not share financial data with you. This will give you a bad thing because you have chosen a campus that has no academic experience. You must ensure that the campus has a strong relationship with an academic partner. Hidden Fees There are online programs that have hidden costs such as labor costs to technology. You should know that a trusted program will provide you with transparent costs. You can also check the financial consequences when you will take time off. This program has many advantages because you can take the course and work in the place you want. Reach Career Goals If the program has too many students, then it will be too much for you. You have to make sure you take a reasonable course. You can review all of these plans before applying to this course. You must understand the verification of the work placement to be done by this campus. The Best Online Course Not all online courses are of the same quality. You can view textbooks to determine the online course that suits your purpose. You can choose a campus that provides laboratory courses in your home. There are many awards winning online programs so you can benefit from it. You do need sophisticated learning technology so you can get the title. Academic Support A trusted campus should have academic support. Support staff can provide assistance to students. Support staff is on duty to serve students. Those are some things to consider in choosing Online College. 16 What to Know about Online College Choosing Online College is something that is not easy. You need to know a few things before going to college. Here is an explanation for you. Learn Anytime Anywhere Maybe you've seen online campus ads in some programs and schools. The curriculum applied in online courses may be the same as traditional careers or other academic programs but the delivery of these programs is very different. The factor that distinguishes between traditional and Online Colleges is internet use. This program uses the internet to deliver course material to students. It will also manage collaboration and communication. The Best Online Program for You If you want to register an online program, then you should know your educational goals. This is very important for your career advancement. You can find a lot of information on the internet about the campus. You must understand the challenges and benefits of the online program. You must be disciplined to be a successful student. You do not meet with lecturers but you should be able to control your schedule. Advantages An online campus is a convenient place because you can attend the class in your home. You can also attend your classes outside the city or at the airport. You just need a fast connection to attend the class. You can stay anywhere when you join the online program. The program is easily accessible. This cannot be offered by traditional programs. If you choose traditional education, then you should stay in a location near the campus. You may not be able to do this because you have an assignment at home that cannot be left behind. The online courses also have high flexibility and you will not find this in traditional programs. You also have access to online learning material for 24 hours in 7 days. You can schedule to learn about the material without disrupting other commitments like family and work. Challenge Applying on an online campus does look easy but you must have the provision to successfully join this program. You have to practice and this requires special characteristics and skills. You have to be disciplined and master the technology. You should also be able to manage your time well. You must have computer skills. You need to be an independent person and focus on your goals. The online program does not have strict supervision when you come directly to the campus so you will be a watchdog for yourself. Online courses always offer flexible schedules but there are many online programs that have very tight deadlines to complete some tasks. Maybe you should attend a pre-set online event at a certain time. You may also have to go for an exam at the test center. Expectations depend on your wishes. Online courses provide experience on traditional courses and institutions providing experience for extracurricular programs. It depends on your choice. You can choose your top priority. If you are looking for something flexible, then you can choose an online campus because you can manage the schedule you want. You do not need to leave another assignment. That's the thing to know before applying to Online College. 17 Which is the Best? Online College or Traditional College There is a difference between Online College and traditional college. Both programs have advantages and disadvantages. Here is the difference between the two programs. Difference between Online Campus and Traditional College Actually, the online and traditional academies have the same goals. This will give you a degree of awards and education for students. The program also has significant differences. Online programs use the Internet-based curriculum. Online Classes are a process of formal education and instructors and students are not in the same place. All lectures and exams will be conducted through the website. This will be a big change for the traditional classes that move into Online Classes. There are many students who have to face the challenge of understanding online instruction. The students must be able to adapt well when using the online system. You will also get a classmate but maybe you can communicate with your friends via phone and email. If you have a specific program and this requires a campus visit, then you cannot meet your classmates directly. Traditional classes need you physically and you should record or listen to lectures from professors. The traditional class will give you a value for your presence. You should not miss the class. Exchange of information with your professors can also be done online. The virtual environment can provide feedback to ensure that students are familiar with the material. There are several types of feedback for Online Classes such as interactions that are held during the discussion. This will provide good feedback for students. Feedback can also be provided by voice chats and audio clips. The website must have an online instructor for the students. Online Classes can provide a lot of flexibility. You can work while studying. You can fulfill all your tasks without losing any other task. This is the answer for people who want to work while school. You can attend classes at the right time. There are many students in the traditional class who do not have flexible schedules. The Benefits You will benefit significantly because you cannot replace the home as a comfortable place to learn. You do not have to get up and put on nice clothes. You can learn in that class by wearing cute pajamas. You can attend classes at all places like home, library, cafĂ©, and so forth. This is because the Online Class is tailored to your needs. The idea of ??an Online Class is to integrate education and your life. Students studying at the online academy consist of various groups such as young and old. Students work full time and part-time. Flexible schedules are normal. You have a deadline for collecting your online work. The quality of education on the online campus is steadily increasing and this choice is becoming popular. The economic recession made many students turn to online programs. The students do not need to spend money to buy gasoline. You also do not have to be stuck with congestion every day. You will not bother to choose the right clothes to go to college. Maybe the reason looks trivial but this is a problem that is often faced by many people. The online campus can provide solutions to your problems. That's the advantage of Online College. 18 How to Choose the Best Online College Whenever you want to study a program without going to college, you may need to know about Online College. Read some information below to know more about Online College and how to choose the best Online College. Do I Need to Choose Online College? We know that technology has developed day by day. Today, studying program can be done via online. It means that we can study flexibly, because we can study at home while doing other activities. For people who have got job and still want get bachelor title or other title, they need to consider about Online College. Yes, Online College is a good choice to make you able to study without leaving your home or job. By taking online program, learning process can be done at home. You don’t need to go to university, because materials will be conveyed through online. Many people also choose Online College because it offers lower cost, compare to conventional college. Choosing the Best Online College Many universities offer online program. Sometime, it may make you feel so confuse to choose best Online College. Here are some tips to choose best Online College: ·Determine Your Goals Every person has a goal before taking online program. How about you? Whenever you want to take online program, make sure you have known your goals. What study program or courses you want to learn? Not every Online College offers your desired program. Before choosing Online College, make sure you have known about programs offered by your target Online College. ·Price Price or cost is important thing needs to be considered. The cost of Online College is up to $6000-$10000 per year. You may want to take online program that offers affordable price. But, be careful if you find university that offers cheap cost. The university may ask you to pay for other thing, such as administration, transfer fee, and many more. So, consider about price well, to make you comfortable when taking online program. ·Accreditation We have mentioned that many universities offer online program. But, not every university has been accredited. Just choose university which has been accredited because accreditation refers to quality of university. Good university is a university which has been accredited. ·Distance Although you can study at home, but some universities may ask students to visit their college in certain condition. It means that you have to consider about the distance of your home from the university. If you chose university that is so far from your home, you may need to prepare enough time for going to that university. For your recommendation, you can choose Online College that is not too far from home. ·Facilities Before taking online program, make sure you have known applications used by universities to connect with you. As we know that online program uses some applications to make you easy for communicating with your lecturer. Make sure every application or software used by university works well in your laptop or computer. Finally, you can study online program well after choosing best Online College Top Online Colleges in 2018 Whenever you want to take a program in Online College, you need to know about top Online Colleges in 2018. Here are detail information about the benefits of Online College and some best Online Colleges. The Benefits of Online College Many people choose to take online program because of its flexibility. Yes, online program makes us feel so easy to study while doing other jobs or task. We don’t need to leave our jobs for taking online program. By taking online program, we can also study at home, and wherever we want without going to university. Why you need to choose Online College? It is because Online College offers lower total costs. Compare to conventional college, Online College offers lower cost. So, you don’t need to spend too much money for studying a program. By taking online program, you can still get title. Online College also offers comfortable learning environment, because you can study at your favorite place. Today, there are so many universities offer online program. It means that there are so many online programs you can choose. So, you can learn what you want to learn. Don’t forget to choose a good Online College, to make you study well, although you don’t go to college. What is Top Online College? Actually, there are so many universities offer online collage. If you confuse to choose best online collage, here are some top Online Colleges that can be your recommendation: ·Purdue University Global One of top Online Colleges you can choose is Purdue University. It offers affordable total cost. This college has mission to deliver quality and personalized online experience to every student. Some programs offered by Purdue University Global are Medical Billing and Coding, Information Technology, and Accounting. ·Capella University Capella University offers credit transfer option that will make you able to save your time and money. You can also choose a program that fits with your budget and schedule. Some programs offered by this Online College are Psychology, Business Management, and Leadership in Educational Administration. ·Walden University Walden University is a university that has been established since 40 years ago. It has helped so many students to be professional who reach their educational goals. Some programs offered by Walden University are Master of Social Work, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Clinical mental Health Counseling, and Advanced Clinical Social Practice. ·Ashford University It is other top Online College that can be your recommendation. It offers higher education and facilitates students with latest technology. Students can easily communicate with their fellow from anywhere. They can use tablet, laptop, and Smartphone to interact with their fellow. Some programs offered by Ashford University are Early Childhood Education, Business Administration, and Psychology. Well, those are some information for you about top Online College in 2018. Actually, there are still many best Online Colleges that can be your recommendation. Other recommended Online Colleges for you are Presbyterian College, Drexel University, Johns Hopkins University, Northern Arizona University, Mary Baldwin University, Southern New Hampshire University, Indiana Wesleyan University, and East Carolina University. 20 The Most Affordable Online College in 2018 Do you want to take study program offered by Online College? If so, you may need to know about the most affordable Online College in 2018, especially if you don’t have much money for taking online program. Choosing Affordable Online College Although Online College offers lower total costs, but it doesn’t mean that every Online College offers affordable cost. So, you need to compare some Online Colleges before choosing Online College. Price is not only the important factor should be considered. There are still many things should be considered. For example is accreditation. Yes, you need to choose accredited Online College, because accreditation has become indicator of Online College quality. Although you find Online College that offers low cost, it doesn’t have meaning if the Online College is not accredited Online College. Don’t forget to consider about subject or program you want to learn. Not every Online College offers your desired program. So, choose Online College that offers your target program. Other thing you need to consider is facilities. You will interact with lecturer and other students via online. There will be some applications used by university and you. Make sure you choose college that uses applications which work well in your laptop or computer. Finally, you will not feel so confuse when studying a program via online. What is the Most Affordable Online College in 2018? Whenever you want to study in Online College, you may want to choose Online College that offers cheap coast. The most affordable Online College in 2018 is Murray State University. This university offers 15 online programs. So, you can choose program you like the most. About its cost, the annual tuition of Murray State University is up to $6,360 There are still many universities that offer low cost for their online programs. Other recommendation for you is University of Virginia-Main Campus. The university offers 16 online programs. About cost, it offers annual tuition which is up to $10,484. You can choose this university because it offers so many programs, and your target program may be found in this university. Other recommendation for you is Northern Arizona University. The university offers 46 online programs. You can imagine that your target program may be found in this university. So, don’t be doubt to search other information about this Online College. About cost, the annual tuition of this university is up to $8,072. Jackson State University is also affordable Online College that can be your recommendation. It offers 14 online programs, and the annual tuition is up to $6,602. So, your target program may be found in this university, and you don’t need to spend much money to take a program you want to learn. The last recommended and affordable Online College for you is Mississippi State University. The university offers 10 online programs. The annual tuition offered by Mississippi State University is up to $7,140. Well, choose Online College that fits with your budget. Finally, you can study well after choosing affordable online collage.
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